
Are Physical Restraints Always Justified in Nursing Homes?

Posted on October 18, 2024

When considering the well-being and safety of nursing home residents in Illinois, the use of physical restraints is often a sensitive topic. While restraints can sometimes be necessary to protect residents or caregivers from harm, they can also raise serious issues related to abuse and neglect. It is important for both families and caregivers to […]

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Ways a Wrongful Death Can Happen in a Nursing Home

Posted on October 11, 2024

Nursing homes are designed to provide a safe environment for older people or people who require long-term care. Sadly, instances of wrongful death in these facilities can occur, leading families to seek justice for their loved ones in the wake of terrible tragedy. Suppose your loved one passed away in his or her nursing home, […]

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The Disturbing Issue of Sexual Abuse in Nursing Homes

Posted on October 4, 2024

The tragic truth about sexual abuse in nursing homes is that it often goes unnoticed, leaving vulnerable residents at considerable risk. Addressing the issue of sexual abuse can be vital toward protecting those we love and ensuring they receive the care, respect, and protection that they deserve. If you are worried that a loved one […]

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Mental Health Concerns in Nursing Home Abuse Cases

Posted on September 25, 2024

Nursing home abuse can profoundly impact the mental health of its victims, leading to conditions such as anxiety, depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Each of these conditions can severely affect a resident’s quality of life. If you have noticed your loved one’s mental health is suffering and you believe abuse is to blame, […]

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Can I Sue if My Parent is Assaulted by a Nursing Home Resident?

Posted on September 20, 2024

Nursing homes are responsible for providing a safe environment for all residents, which includes protecting them from violent or aggressive behavior by others. When a nursing home fails to properly supervise its residents, it can be held liable for the injuries or deaths that occur due to assault.  Families may file a personal injury or […]

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What is the Purpose of Nursing Home Injury Lawyers?

Posted on September 12, 2024

Nursing homes are intended to provide care and support for our aging loved ones, but unfortunately, they can sometimes fall seriously short of that promise. When neglect or abuse occurs, the repercussions can be devastating, both physically and emotionally. This is where nursing home injury lawyers come into play. They serve a crucial role in […]

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What to Ask the Nursing Home After a Loved One is Injured

Posted on September 4, 2024

Few situations are more distressing for a family than when a loved one is injured in his or her Illinois nursing home. Families often find themselves grappling with not only the emotional toll but also the practical questions that arise in the wake of these kinds of incidents. Understanding your loved one’s rights and gathering […]

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Common Back Injuries After a Nursing Home Fall

Posted on August 26, 2024

Falls that take place in nursing homes can lead to serious injuries, particularly in the resident’s back. Elderly residents, who often have weakened bones due to their advanced age, are particularly vulnerable to back injuries resulting from falls. Understanding the common types of back injuries and their implications can help families recognize the seriousness of […]

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Three Medications Used as Chemical Restraints in Nursing Homes

Posted on August 21, 2024

In nursing homes, the use of chemical restraints to manage behavior has become a topic of considerable debate. While medications can be necessary to treat certain medical conditions, their misuse raises serious ethical and legal concerns. If you believe your loved one is being wrongfully subjected to chemical restraints through medications such as benzodiazepines, opioids, […]

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Reasons for Nursing Home Falls Not Often Talked About

Posted on August 12, 2024

As men and women age, the risk of falling increases. In nursing homes, the ever-present risk of falling looms largely over all residents. While many discussions surrounding falling incidents focus on standard factors such as resident mobility limitations and environmental hazards, several less commonly addressed issues also contribute to the problem of falling. By examining […]

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Can Nursing Home Neglect Cause Pneumonia?

Posted on August 5, 2024

Nursing home residents often rely on staff for assistance with daily activities and medical care, making them particularly vulnerable to various forms of neglect. Unfortunately, when neglect occurs, it can lead to serious health complications, one of which is pneumonia. This respiratory infection can be especially dangerous for vulnerable seniors, highlighting the importance of attentive […]

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Three Issues Which Can Lead to Breathing Tube Injuries

Posted on July 30, 2024

Endotracheal intubation is a medical procedure where a flexible plastic tube is situated in a patient’s airway to help them breathe. It is a vital, life-saving procedure for patients who need assistance breathing. However, while they are important, the insertion and maintenance of breathing tubes come with certain risks that can lead to serious injuries. […]

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When Do Nursing Home Bruises Become a Cause for Concern?

Posted on July 22, 2024

Bruises: we see them on the bodies of people from all different walks of life. When bruises begin appearing on residents of a nursing home, however, it can be a sign that something far more sinister is taking place. While occasional bruising may be normal due to the frailness of elderly skin, there are times […]

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What Are Common Kinds of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect?

Posted on July 16, 2024

Deciding to place a loved one in a nursing home is not easy. You are trusting the facility’s staff to care for someone important to you, without being able to supervise that person’s day-to-day care. While some long-term care facilities adhere to care standards, the sad fact is that many nursing home residents suffer from […]

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Chemical Restraints in Nursing Home Abuse Cases

Posted on July 8, 2024

Ensuring the safety and well-being of elderly residents in nursing homes is a critical concern for families and caregivers. Sadly, the use of chemical restraints, which are medications intended to control behavior rather than treat a medical condition, can sometimes be abused. Understanding how chemical restraints can be misused is important in protecting the rights […]

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Characteristics of Financial Abuse in Nursing Homes

Posted on June 26, 2024

When placing a loved one in a nursing home, there is more at stake than simply his or her physical health and emotional well-being; it also includes safeguarding his or her financial security. Sadly, elder financial abuse is a growing concern, with vulnerable elderly residents often becoming the targets of financial exploitation. If you suspect […]

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What is Nursing Home Elopement?

Posted on June 19, 2024

Nursing home elopement is a serious issue that can put vulnerable residents at significant risk. If you have a loved one in a nursing home, understanding what elopement is and how it can be prevented is crucial. If your loved one was already injured in a situation involving elopement and you are seeking legal guidance, […]

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Three Ways Nursing Home Abuse Can Lead to Sepsis

Posted on June 13, 2024

Nursing home abuse is a distressing reality that affects countless elderly individuals across Illinois. When abuse or neglect occurs in a nursing home facility, severe health complications can occur, such as sepsis. Sepsis is a life-threatening condition caused by the body’s extreme response to infection. If your loved one is suffering from sepsis and you […]

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Identifying the Source of Nursing Home Burn Injuries: Mistake or Abuse?

Posted on June 5, 2024

Burn injuries in nursing homes are deeply troubling occurrences that raise numerous red flags. For families and concerned parties, understanding whether the injury resulted from an unfortunate mistake or was caused by abusive conduct is of the highest importance. If you have concerns over a burn injury you noticed on your loved one and need […]

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Three Warning Signs a Nursing Home Resident is Severely Dehydrated

Posted on May 29, 2024

Dehydration is a serious health concern, especially for elderly nursing home residents. The body’s ability to conserve water diminishes with age, making older adults more susceptible to the adverse effects of dehydration. This condition can worsen existing health problems and lead to severe complications, including hospitalization and even death. Awareness of the warning signs of […]

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Where Do Most Serious Falls Happen in Nursing Homes?

Posted on May 23, 2024

It is no secret that nursing home falls are a very serious matter, frequently leading to injuries that can impact a resident’s quality of life considerably. A comprehensive understanding of where these falls often happen can help ensure a safer environment for our elderly loved ones. However, when falls do happen, and residents are injured, […]

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Failure to Respond to Patient Complaints in Illinois Nursing Homes

Posted on May 14, 2024

When families make the tough decision to put a loved one into an Illinois nursing home, they expect the facility to treat their relative with care and respect. Sadly, all too often, there are incidences of neglect, inappropriate behavior, and safety concerns that tarnish this trust. Even more troubling is when these legitimate complaints are […]

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Signs That Nursing Home Staff Lack Proper Training 

Posted on May 3, 2024

Often, we trust nursing homes to provide our aging relatives with the care and attention they require. However, poor staff training can lead to unfortunate errors that can jeopardize the well-being of residents. Here are a few signs to look out for that may indicate a lack of proper training among nursing home staff and […]

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Top Three Most Common Reasons for Choking in Nursing Homes

Posted on April 29, 2024

Within the walls of nursing homes across Illinois, there is a hidden danger lurking with every meal: the risk of choking. While choking may not be the first risk that comes to mind when someone thinks of nursing home neglect, disturbing choking incidents are becoming increasingly common, leading many to fear for the safety of […]

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What Bones Are Most Likely to Break in a Nursing Home Fall?

Posted on April 19, 2024

Due to the advanced age of many nursing home residents, falls are a lot more dangerous than someone middle aged or younger. On many occasions, a nursing home fall can result in broken bones and months, potentially years of rehabilitation, depending on which bones were broken and how badly. If your loved one living in […]

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Is My Loved Ones Renal Failure Related to Old Age or Nursing Home Neglect?

Posted on April 11, 2024

As our loved ones age, being concerned about their health and overall well-being is natural. When a family member experiences renal failure, also known as kidney failure, it can be a distressing and confusing time. You may wonder whether this condition is simply a result of old age or if it could be related to […]

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Clues of Malnutrition in Nursing Home Abuse Cases in Illinois

Posted on April 3, 2024

Malnutrition is a serious issue that can affect elderly residents in nursing homes in Illinois. It is important to be aware of the clues of malnutrition as they can be indicators of potential abuse or neglect. While weight loss is the first sign that may come to mind, it is not the only sign of […]

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Ways Nursing Home Negligence Can Result in Seizures in Illinois 

Posted on March 28, 2024

Nursing home negligence can have catastrophic consequences for residents, including an increased risk of experiencing seizures. As in nursing homes across America, residents of Illinois nursing homes rely on caregivers to maintain adequate levels of safety at the nursing home facility. Suppose you have a loved one staying at a nursing home and they suffered […]

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What to Know About Alzheimer’s Disease and Nursing Home Abuse in Illinois

Posted on March 21, 2024

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurological condition that affects millions of individuals, especially older adults, across the United States. In Illinois, where a significant portion of the population resides in nursing homes, it is crucial to understand the connection between Alzheimer’s disease and nursing home abuse. This complex issue raises important legal considerations and ethical […]

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Three Forms of Emotional Abuse to Watch Out for at Nursing Homes in Illinois

Posted on March 14, 2024

As we entrust the care of our elderly loved ones to nursing homes in Illinois, it is essential to be vigilant against the insidious threat of emotional abuse. While physical abuse can leave lasting and visible scars, emotional abuse can inflict wounds just as damaging. If your loved one is suffering from emotional abuse at […]

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How Do Burn Injuries Occur in Nursing Home Injury Cases in Illinois? 

Posted on March 7, 2024

Burn injuries can occur in nursing home injury cases in Illinois due to a variety of factors. In many cases, burn injuries in nursing home settings are often the result of negligence on the part of the staff. Understanding how these painful injuries occur is critical to ensure steps are taken to reduce the risk […]

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Four Worst Effects of Nursing Home Understaffing in Illinois

Posted on February 27, 2024

Nursing home understaffing in Illinois is a critical issue that can have devastating consequences for residents. When nursing homes do not have enough staff to provide proper care, it can lead to a wide range of negative effects on the well-being of the residents. If your loved one is in a nursing home experiencing the […]

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Dangers of Lack of Supervision in Illinois Nursing Homes 

Posted on February 22, 2024

Nursing homes are meant to be places where our elderly loved ones receive the care and attention they need in their later years. However, the lack of supervision in these facilities can lead to serious consequences, such as neglect and injuries. If your loved one lives in a nursing home facility and you fear for […]

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Learning More About Nursing Home Bedsores

Posted on February 15, 2024

Bedsores, sometimes referred to as pressure ulcers, are a common and preventable condition that can occur in nursing homes. When bedsores develop due to negligence or substandard care, it can be a sign of nursing home neglect or abuse. If your loved one is suffering from bedsores, a nursing home negligence lawyer in Illinois can […]

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Injuries at Nursing Homes Related to Mobility Equipment 

Posted on February 7, 2024

Nursing homes in Illinois play a pivotal role in providing care and support for elderly individuals who may require assistance with mobility. Mobility equipment, such as wheelchairs, walkers, and canes, is essential for residents to maintain their independence and engage in daily activities. However, injuries related to mobility equipment can occur, posing significant risks to […]

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Can Skin Issues Be Related to Nursing Home Malnutrition?

Posted on January 29, 2024

Skin issues are often overlooked when discussing nursing home malnutrition, but they can be significant indicators of underlying problems. Suppose your loved one currently resides in a nursing home and is experiencing problems with their skin, such as the appearance of sores or lesions. In that case, it is worth taking a more in-depth look […]

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Clues a Nursing Home May Not Be Safe for Your Loved One

Posted on January 23, 2024

Choosing a nursing home for a loved one is a tough decision, filled with concerns about their well-being and safety. Sadly, instances of nursing home abuse and neglect are not uncommon. To ensure the safety and well-being of your loved one, it is crucial to be aware of the signs that may indicate a nursing […]

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Are Understaffed Nursing Homes an Excuse for Wrongdoing? 

Posted on January 16, 2024

The issue of understaffing has been a longstanding issue in the healthcare industry for many years. It raises serious questions about residents’ quality of care and the potential for wrongdoing. If your loved one is currently in an understaffed nursing home and is being neglected, you likely want to learn more about the complexities of […]

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Can a Wound Not Healing Signal Nursing Home Neglect?

Posted on January 5, 2024

With the population aging, many families choose to entrust a nursing home facility to care for a loved one as they grow older and are less able to care for themselves. Disturbingly, nursing home neglect is a serious issue that happens a lot more often than people would like to think. One potential indicator of […]

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When is Physical Restraint Unjustified in a Nursing Home?

Posted on December 28, 2023

Nursing homes are meant to be places of care, comfort, and safety for our elderly loved ones. However, there are instances where physical restraints are used without proper justification, raising concerns about the ethical and legal implications involved in the situation. If you believe your loved one has ever been unjustly restrained physically, you may […]

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Can Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Cause Renal Failure?

Posted on December 20, 2023

Nursing home abuse and neglect in Illinois are prevalent issues that can have severe consequences for older adults subjected to such distressing conduct. One of the potential outcomes of such mistreatment is renal failure, a serious medical condition that affects the kidneys. If your loved one is suffering from kidney failure, consider hiring a lawyer […]

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Understanding Bedrail Injuries in Nursing Home Injury Cases

Posted on December 13, 2023

Bedrails are commonly used in nursing homes to provide support and prevent falls among residents. However, when used improperly or negligently, bedrails can lead to serious injuries. Contact a qualified lawyer if your loved one has been impacted by an injury at their nursing facility involving a bedrail. Your loved one may be eligible for […]

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Can Nursing Home Negligence Lead to Seizures? 

Posted on December 5, 2023

Nursing home negligence can have far-reaching consequences for the health and well-being of residents. While often not spoken of, negligence within nursing home facilities can result in the development of seizures in elderly individuals. Understanding this link is crucial for identifying and addressing instances of neglect in nursing home facilities. If you are concerned that […]

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Can Urinary Tract Infections Be Signs of Nursing Home Abuse?

Posted on November 29, 2023

Urinary tract infections are a common medical condition among older adults, especially those living in nursing home facilities. While UTIs can occur naturally, they can also be an indicator of potential abuse or neglect. If you have a loved one living in a nursing home and they are suffering from frequent UTIs, it makes sense […]

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Recognizing Back Injuries that May Indicate Nursing Home Abuse 

Posted on November 20, 2023

To many people, it seems as though nursing home abuse has become all too common in our society. This is especially disturbing, considering that nursing home residents rely so heavily on care from others. One common form of abuse is physical abuse, which can result in various injuries, including back injuries. If you have a […]

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Does Improper Wound Care Constitute Nursing Home Neglect?

Posted on November 8, 2023

Proper wound care is crucial for residents in nursing homes, as their vulnerability and compromised health require diligent attention. When nursing home staff fail to provide adequate wound care, it can lead to serious consequences for the residents and may be a sign of ongoing neglect. If your loved one is suffering from improper wound […]

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Signs Nursing Home Sexual Abuse May Be Taking Place

Posted on November 6, 2023

Nursing homes are meant to provide a safe and caring environment for older residents. However, instances of sexual abuse in these facilities are a growing concern. Recognizing the signs is crucial to protecting nursing home residents, often the most vulnerable members of our society. If you believe your loved one is being sexually abused in […]

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Physical Restraints in Nursing Home Abuse Cases

Posted on October 30, 2023

Nursing homes play a pivotal role in providing care and support to our elderly population. However, concerns are often raised regarding the use of physical restraints in these facilities. While physical restraints may be employed to ensure the safety of residents and nursing home staff, it is essential to understand when their use crosses the […]

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Nagging Back Injuries Are a Pain for Nursing Home Residents

Posted on October 24, 2023

Back injuries can have ample negative consequences for people of all ages but can be particularly detrimental to nursing home residents. These injuries can significantly affect residents’ quality of life, mobility, and overall well-being. If you have a loved one suffering from nagging back injuries, they may be caused by negligent staff within the nursing […]

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Detecting Signs of Dehydration Neglect in Nursing Homes

Posted on October 16, 2023

Dehydration is a serious health concern, particularly for older adults residing in nursing home facilities. Neglecting to provide sufficient fluids to residents can have severe consequences on their health and well-being. If you have a loved one suffering from dehydration neglect in a nursing home, contact an attorney in Illinois, as your loved one may […]

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What Are Chemical Restraints in Nursing Home Abuse Cases?

Posted on October 4, 2023

In nursing home abuse cases, chemical restraints refer to the inappropriate use of medications to control or restrict the movements, behavior, or freedom of elderly residents. If you believe your loved one is suffering from unnecessary chemical restraints at their nursing home facility, please get in touch with a lawyer. The older and more vulnerable […]

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Is There a Difference Between Abuse and Neglect?

Posted on September 28, 2023

Nursing homes are meant to provide a safe and nurturing environment for older adults who require assistance with daily activities and medical care. Disturbing reports of abuse and neglect within nursing home facilities have raised concerns about the well-being of residents. For people concerned that a family member is being abused, neglected, or both in […]

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How Can Nursing Home Neglect Lead to Dangerous Wandering?

Posted on September 21, 2023

Nursing home neglect is a scary issue for many families, as it is nearly unthinkable for many to imagine the vulnerable members of our society being preyed upon at their nursing home facility when all they are there for is to receive the care they need and deserve. When residents do not receive proper care, […]

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Signs Your Loved One is Being Malnourished in a Nursing Home

Posted on September 15, 2023

Ensuring the proper nutrition and well-being of our loved ones residing in nursing homes is of utmost importance. Unfortunately, malnourishment is a prevalent issue in some Illinois care facilities, and identifying the signs can help protect vulnerable residents. If your loved one is in a nursing home and you believe they are being malnourished, the […]

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Examples of Improper Wound Care at Nursing Homes

Posted on September 8, 2023

Proper wound care is crucial for the well-being and recovery of nursing home residents. Sadly, there are often instances where nursing homes fail to provide proper wound care, leading to serious consequences for residents. If your loved one is suffering from improper wound care at a nursing home facility, contact an experienced lawyer to assist […]

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Holidays Give Rise to Traumatic Brain Injuries at Nursing Homes

Posted on August 30, 2023

Nursing home staff often take well-deserved time off around various holidays such as Labor Day and Thanksgiving. However, staffing shortages at nursing homes during the holidays are a serious problem. Lack of staff has proven to drive an increase in falling accidents in nursing homes which can then lead to a significant number of traumatic […]

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4 Causes of Elopement in Nursing Homes

Posted on August 8, 2023

It can be very alarming to learn that your elderly loved one has eloped from their nursing home and is missing. It may still be alarming even if your loved one has already been found by the time you learn what happened. Often, when people are placed in nursing homes it is because their family […]

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How Are Dangerous Infections Spread in Nursing Homes?

Posted on July 28, 2023

Nursing homes are meant to be places of comfort and care for our elderly loved ones. Unfortunately, they can also be breeding grounds for dangerous infections. Understanding how these infections are spread is crucial in preventing their occurrence and protecting vulnerable residents. The Role of Poor Hygiene Poor hygiene practices among nursing home staff and […]

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What to Know About Physical Restraint in Nursing Homes

Posted on July 11, 2023

Many if not most people who live in nursing homes are suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, or another form of cognitive impairment related to advanced age. This can mean that nursing home residents are not always able to manage their behavior in an appropriate fashion. These cognitive impairments can sometimes cause people to behave violently […]

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What Is Nursing Home Financial Abuse?

Posted on June 28, 2023

When a senior is in a nursing home, they are vulnerable to many types of abuse. When someone has influence over a nursing home resident, or access to their financial information, they could take advantage of the senior. Financial abuse is considered one of the five types of nursing home abuse. An experienced attorney can […]

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How Can Inadequate Supervision Lead to Nursing Home Fall Injuries?

Posted on June 16, 2023

Nursing home residents may suffer serious injuries in accidents or other situations that could put their health and safety at risk. Falls are some of the most common causes of nursing home injuries, and in many cases, these incidents occur because of inadequate supervision of patients by a facility’s staff members. When an elderly loved […]

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Can I Sue a Nursing Home for My Loved One’s Fall Accident?

Posted on May 25, 2023

For elderly individuals and those in poor health, falling down can be extremely dangerous and lead to serious injuries or even death. If a nursing home fails to prevent falls or respond properly when a resident suffers a fall, the facility may be liable for damages. Examples of Negligence That Can Lead to an Avoidable […]

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Severe and Fatal Brain Damage Caused by Breathing Tube Mistakes

Posted on May 15, 2023

Intubation is sometimes necessary when a nursing home resident cannot breathe on his or her own. An endotracheal tube (ETT) is inserted into a windpipe, and a small balloon is inflated to ensure the tube stays in place and that air can be delivered to the person’s lungs. ETTs are often powered by ventilators but […]

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