Signs That Nursing Home Staff Lack Proper Training 

Signs That Nursing Home Staff Lack Proper Training 

Often, we trust nursing homes to provide our aging relatives with the care and attention they require. However, poor staff training can lead to unfortunate errors that can jeopardize the well-being of residents. Here are a few signs to look out for that may indicate a lack of proper training among nursing home staff and how a resourceful Illinois attorney may be able to provide assistance to you and your family. 

Look Out for the Mismanagement of Medication Doses

One of the first warning signs of undertraining nursing home staff is the incorrect dosing of medication. Both under-dosing and overdosing can have severe health implications for residents. Suppose your loved one’s health seems to be worsening, or your loved one displays strange symptoms and questions the dosages. In that case, it may be a sign that staff are improperly trained in administering medications correctly. At the core of medication errors is a lack of knowledge or negligence, either of which is unacceptable in an Illinois nursing home setting. 

Administration of Incorrect or Unsuitable Medication

Providing patients with the wrong medication can not only be ineffective in treating whatever his or her condition is but can also cause unnecessary harm to the patient. If staff members are unfamiliar with medicine management, there may be mix-ups caused by poor organization or carelessness. Monitoring possible changes in your loved one’s physical or mental condition can help identify these kinds of inconsistencies. For instance, if your loved one is feeling especially lethargic, disoriented, or shows new health complications, it may warrant a review of his or her current medication regimen. 

Unaddressed Adverse Medication Reactions 

A well-trained nursing home staff should be more than capable of identifying and responding promptly to bad medication reactions. Ignoring or failing to spot such reactions can result in a sharp decline in the resident’s health, which could even lead to a life-threatening situation. 

If a nursing home staff member disregards concerning symptoms or fails to take action swiftly, this may indicate a lack of medical training. Remember that the nursing home must provide adequately trained staff to care for all their resident’s health needs. 

Contact a Peoria, IL Nursing Home Negligence Attorney

Should you notice any of these signs, you should strongly consider contacting a legal professional. Your lawyer will help you address the situation effectively. Contact the astute Peoria County, IL nursing home negligence lawyers with Nursing Home Injury Center. Call 309-524-6900 for a free consultation. 

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