Renal Failure

Peoria Nursing Home Renal Failure Lawyers

Seeking Compensation for Renal Failure in Peoria Nursing Homes

Renal failure, or kidney failure, is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that nursing home residents are particularly vulnerable to. In some cases, this condition may occur due to a nursing home’s negligence in providing proper care and attention to their residents, or a patient may suffer serious harm if they do not receive the correct treatment for kidney-related issues. When nursing homes fail to meet their duty of care, families of nursing home patients may be uncertain about how to proceed and what can be done to prevent this type of issue from happening in the future.

At Nursing Home Injury Center, we can help families understand their rights and options in situations where a loved one has suffered from renal failure or other dangerous health issues due to nursing home negligence. We work to identify the causes of these types of injuries, including addressing concerns such as understaffing at a nursing home, improper training of employees, or failure to provide medical care. In addition to making sure a negligent facility is held responsible for the harm a family has suffered, we can help take steps to protect the safety of other nursing home residents and ensure that they receive the care and treatment they need.

Causes of Renal Failure for Nursing Home Residents

The kidneys are essential organs that play an important role in the body’s health and function. They help to filter waste from the blood, regulate fluid balance, and produce hormones that control blood pressure and other bodily functions. If the kidneys do not function properly, toxins can build up in the body, leading to life-threatening complications.

There are a variety of reasons why nursing home patients may experience kidney failure, including:

  • Dehydration
  • Damage to the kidneys in nursing home falls or other situations
  • Infections
  • Improper treatment for conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure
  • Certain types of cancer
  • Blockages in the urinary tract caused by blood clots, enlarged prostate glands, kidney stones, or other issues
  • Medication errors, including improper use of blood pressure medications, antibiotics, or painkillers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or Aleve

Symptoms of Kidney Failure

Because people who are at an advanced age are at a higher risk of renal failure, nursing home staff members should be aware of potential symptoms, and they should respond immediately by providing the proper medical care. These symptoms may include:

  • Extreme fatigue and weakness throughout the body
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling in different parts of the body, including the ankles, hands, or face
  • Confusion and difficulties with concentration
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Pain or pressure in the chest
  • Muscle spasms and cramps
  • Reduced appetite
  • Seizures

If staff members do not provide the proper treatment for kidney disease or renal failure, a person’s life may be put at risk. In addition to the problems caused by the buildup of toxins in the body, a person may experience other complications that can affect their overall health. The buildup of fluid in the lungs may impair their breathing and cause harm due to lack of oxygen, or tissues in and around the heart may become inflamed, leading to heart disease or heart failure. When the kidneys can no longer function properly, dialysis may be necessary to filter toxins from the blood, or a person may receive a kidney transplant.

Get Assistance With Renal Failure Affecting Nursing Home Residents

If a nursing home fails to provide adequate medical care for its residents, or if staff members fail to recognize the signs of kidney-related issues, patients can suffer serious harm or even wrongful death. Our team at Nursing Home Injury Center is dedicated to helping families who have been affected by nursing home negligence, and we can identify the causes of renal failure to determine whether neglect or other issues were to blame. We work to help families address these issues and take action against nursing homes that failed to provide the necessary care. To learn more about how we can assist with these matters, contact us at 309-524-6900 and schedule a free consultation.

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