We trust nursing homes to keep our loved ones in good health. However, not all nursing homes have the resources, training, or staffing to handle all of their residents, even if they try to argue otherwise. When a nursing home neglects the dietary needs of the people at the facility, the residents can be put at risk of adverse health outcomes or even death.
You may feel powerless to take action against a nursing home as just one person. An Illinois personal injury lawyer at Nursing Home Injury Center can help you get justice for your loved one and hold nursing homes accountable for improper diets. We will do everything we can to prevent any more harm from occurring. When you work with our firm, you can rest assured that we will act in your best interests.
Malnutrition results from patients not being fed regular meals or being deprived of vital nutrients. For example, a deficiency of vitamin C – found in oranges, strawberries, and bananas – can cause bleeding gums, tooth loss, and anemia. Over time, malnutrition will result in a resident’s health breaking down over time, with adverse health outcomes like a weakened immune system, skin problems, or reduced cognitive function.
At a nursing home, there is no “one size fits all” approach that can address every resident’s individual needs. Nursing home staff must take into account special accommodations, such as a liquid diet, allergies, or a feeding tube. When patients are left to waste away, the risk of death increases. At Nursing Home Injury Center, our attorneys are prepared to investigate the conditions at a nursing home to see if the residents’ dietary needs are being met by the staff.
When the body loses more fluid than it takes in, the consequences can be dire, especially for a medically fragile population. Nursing homes have a responsibility to make sure that their residents are getting enough water on a daily basis, especially in the hot summer months when temperatures can climb to the high 90s in Illinois.
If a resident does not receive a proper fluid intake, he or she may suffer from:
- Rapid heartbeat
- Dizziness
- Low blood pressure
- Greater risk of heat stroke
- Dry skin
- Fainting spells and loss of consciousness
Even worse, dehydration can aggravate an existing health condition, such as diabetes.
In many cases, the simplest and most effective remedy for dehydration is to drink water. However, moderate to severe symptoms of dehydration should be addressed by a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Heat stroke can be fatal if the staff does not perform a proper triage.
Choking Hazards
With age, people sometimes lose the ability to chew food due to weakness in the jaw or the teeth breaking down. This should be addressed with proper dietary restrictions, such as soft food or chopping portions into small pieces. If these dietary restrictions are neglected by nursing home staff, the risk of choking is greatly increased. Utensils that are too small or large can also be a choking hazard if the residents are not able to safely pick up their food.
Choking can put a resident in serious danger. Using the Heimlich maneuver to clear a resident’s airway can result in bruises and broken bones, and a temporary lack of oxygen may cause brain damage. Our attorneys will look into what caused the choking accident to understand how it could have been prevented by the staff.

Warning Signs of an Improper Diet
When visiting your elderly loved ones at a nursing home, you should remain vigilant for signs of dietary neglect. These signs are not always obvious, and in some cases, your loved one may be scared to speak up about the conditions at the facility. Signs of malnutrition may include:
- Dramatic, unexplained weight loss
- Poor skin health, indicated by lesions or sores
- Bruises across the skin
- Chronic fatigue
- Poor concentration
If you suspect that your loved one is suffering due to an improper diet in a nursing home, a skilled nursing home neglect attorney can help you take action. We have the resources and the legal knowledge to hold negligent nursing facilities accountable for any harm done. Our lawyers will be thorough in collecting evidence to build a case on your behalf.
Causes of Dietary Neglect at Nursing Homes
In many cases, improper diets in nursing homes can be traced back to understaffing. Sometimes, nursing facilities simply do not have enough employees to reasonably attend to every resident’s dietary needs. An understaffed nursing home may struggle to keep track of what each resident needs. Moreover, if the residents are left unsupervised at regular meal times, the staff might be too late to prevent a choking accident.
Poor training is an issue that goes hand-in-hand with understaffing. To alleviate a staffing issue, nursing homes may take on underqualified employees without giving them proper training. Thus, the staff might not know how to respond to sudden health emergencies, leading to preventable injuries or even death.
Wrongful Death Claims
If you have lost a loved one to an improper diet in a nursing home, you can pursue justice by filing a wrongful death claim against the facility. A settlement or verdict in a wrongful death claim is intended to cover burial expenses and compensate you for your grief at the loss of your loved one, among other damages.
Our attorneys will make an aggressive case for your compensation after the death of a loved one. We have successfully handled many wrongful death claims in nursing homes, including a $410,000 settlement in a case where a nursing home resident with dementia choked to death from a meal served by the staff.
Contact a Peoria, IL Nursing Home Injury Lawyer Today
There is no good excuse for an improper diet at a nursing home. At Nursing Home Injury Center, our Peoria County, IL nursing home neglect attorneys are prepared to work hard on your behalf to give your family peace of mind. We will give your case individual attention, making sure nothing is overlooked in your claim for compensation. To schedule a free initial consultation, call our offices at 309-524-6900 today.