Burn injuries in nursing homes are deeply troubling occurrences that raise numerous red flags. For families and concerned parties, understanding whether the injury resulted from an unfortunate mistake or was caused by abusive conduct is of the highest importance. If you have concerns over a burn injury you noticed on your loved one and need assistance differentiating between whether the injury was caused by an accident or was intentional, a lawyer in Illinois is ready to help you.
Investigating the Scene and Circumstances Surrounding the Injury
The first step is determining the cause of a burn injury by thoroughly investigating the scene and circumstances surrounding the incident. More often than not, accidental burns are often linked to easily identifiable hazards such as hot water, heating equipment, or kitchen appliances. On the other hand, abusive burns may result from deliberate actions or neglect, such as leaving a bedridden resident in a scalding hot bath.
When visiting the nursing home, scrutinize the area where the injury occurred. Ask staff detailed questions about the event’s context—was anyone present when the injury happened? Were safety protocols followed? A transparent, well-documented explanation may point to an unfortunate mistake, while vague or inconsistent responses could indicate potential abuse or neglect.
Patterns of Burn Injuries
Patterns of injuries can shine an important light on whether the burn was accidental or intentional. Accidental burns typically affect areas that come into contact with everyday hazards, such as hands and forearms. Burns in strange places, like the back, torso, or multiple areas, can signal something more sinister going on. Moreover, the frequency and nature of injuries suffered by a resident matter. One isolated incident may lean towards a mistake, but repeated burns or other injuries suggest a pattern of neglect that should not be ignored.
Staff Behavior and Resident Interaction
The behavior of caregivers and their interactions with residents can provide important clues. Abusive conduct often accompanies other red flags, such as fearfulness in residents, withdrawal, and visible anxiety. Staff members exhibiting hostile or indifferent attitudes should be carefully observed and reported. On the contrary, a responsive and respectful caregiving environment decreases the likelihood of intentional harm.
Medical Evaluations and Professional Opinions
Medical evaluations are essential in determining the cause of burn injuries. Healthcare professionals can determine the burn’s severity, age, and likely cause, whether it aligns with accidental exposure or if it matches known indicators of abuse. Additionally, medical professionals can assess whether standard care protocols were breached, leading to the injury.
Contact a Peoria, IL Nursing Home Burns Attorney
As a concerned family member, you may be feeling helpless and overwhelmed regarding your family member’s situation. Hiring an attorney is the most important and effective thing you can do to make sure you and your family can get to the bottom of whatever is going on. Get in touch with our experienced Peoria County, IL nursing home burns lawyers with Nursing Home Injury Center. Call 309-524-6900 for a free consultation.