Choosing a nursing home for a loved one is a tough decision, filled with concerns about their well-being and safety. Sadly, instances of nursing home abuse and neglect are not uncommon. To ensure the safety and well-being of your loved one, it is crucial to be aware of the signs that may indicate a nursing home is not providing the care it promises. Remember, if you detect any of these critical warning signs, it may be wise to contact a lawyer in Illinois to stop the wrongdoing perpetrating on your loved one and possibly others in the nursing home.
Injuries Begin Appearing
An often obvious sign that something is not right at the nursing home and can be an indicator of nursing home abuse or neglect is the sudden appearance of injuries to your loved one. Look out for bruises and lacerations, broken bones that the staff cannot adequately explain, and frequent injuries, especially those that appear in various stages of healing, may indicate physical abuse or neglect.
You Notice Bad Hygiene
Neglected personal hygiene can be another sign that a nursing home is not providing the necessary care for your loved one. Pay attention to foul odors, unwashed hair, soiled clothing, or even untrimmed nails. These signs may suggest that the staff is not correctly assisting residents with their daily grooming and hygiene needs.
Your Loved One is Losing Weight
Weight loss, extreme thirst, dry mouth, or signs of malnutrition can be alarming indicators of abuse and neglect. Please pay close attention to whether your loved one appears malnourished or dehydrated; it may be a sign that their needs are not being met.
Emotional Outbursts or Behavioral Changes
Sudden unexplained changes in behavior, like signs of increased agitation, withdrawal, and fearfulness, may indicate that your loved one is experiencing emotional distress or abuse. Pay attention to these signs, especially if your loved one is experiencing frequent outbursts or mood swings. It may be a sign something is not right.
High Staff Turnover or Understaffing
Understaffing at nursing homes or high turnover rates can negatively impact the quality of care in a nursing home. Pay attention to signs of poor supervision, delayed response times, or a general lack of attentiveness from the staff. This may indicate your loved one is not getting the care they need.
Contact Our Peoria County, IL Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Attorney
For aggressive legal assistance for your loved one, count on the esteemed Peoria, IL nursing home abuse and neglect lawyers with Nursing Home Injury Center. Call 309-524-6900 for a free consultation today.